The objectives of the of the socio-economic monitoring are: to monitor the socio-economic impacts of the Project Actions for assessment of the success of the Project implementation as well as to evaluate the identified socio-economic impacts of the Project Actions in order to determine how the implementation of the Actions have contributed to the Project objectives.
The socio-economic impact assessment has been carried out twice during the Project period - in the middle of the implementation of the activities (at 2016, 1st Monitoring Report) and after the implementation of all planned activities (at the end of the Project, 2nd Monitoring Report). Final monitoring report summarizes, analyzes and compares data from both evaluations.
2nd Monitoring Report (implementation period 01.06.2014.-31.03.2020.)
2nd Monitoring Report of the socio-economic impact (in latvian, SUMMARY in english)
1. Questionnaire for primary school students (2016)
2. Questionnaire for primary school students (2018)
3. Questionnaire for entrepreneurs
4. Questionnaire on environmental design objects
1st Monitoring Report (implementation period 01.06.2014. – 10.10.2016.)
1st Monitoring report of the socio-economic impact (in latvian)
1. Questionnaire for primary school students
2. Questionnaire for entrepreneurs
3. Questionnaire on environmental design objects
4. Revised socio-economic monitoring guidelines
In accordance with the developed monitoring guidelines, the 1st monitoring report include the analysis of collected data on:
Without above mentioned indicators, the 1st monitoring report include the socio-economic analysis of the Saulkrasti municipality.