Informative materials

Layman`s Report Informative publication on the aims, activities, results and public involvement of the LIFE Ecosystem Services project. Layman`s Report

Recommendations for Integration of Ecosystem Services Approach into Spatial Planning

Based on the work done in the Project, the developed Recommendations provide a framework and guidance for development planners to use the ecosystem services approach in spatial development planning. Knowledge of ecosystem services and the relationship between biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services is important when deciding on land use or activities that have an impact on the state of ecosystems.



Video tutorial for using the toolkit The Video Tutorial provides an overview of how to use the Toolkit ecosystem services approach for planning. Video tutorial (LV)
Leaflet "Evaluation of Ecosystem Services in Latvia" ​ Leaflet contains main information about the project objectives, activities and pilot areas as well as information about ecosystem services valuation approach, which will be made according to the project. LV


Brochure "Ecosystem Services Approach for Sustainable Managment"  Brochure consists of brief explanation - what is ecosystem and ecosystem services, gives an insight of ecosystem services division into categories and ecosystem services biophysical, economical and social evaluation methods. In the brochure is also described why nowadays ecosystem services topic is essential and why scientists strive to determine the value of ecosystem services.                    Brochure LV
Travelling prize "Ecosystem Services" The purpose of the Traveling prize is to recognize the contribution to the Ecosystem Services Approach to sustainable municipal development. Regulation
Roll-up stand "NATURE GIVES"

“Green business is not business. It is a lifestyle.”S.Stabiņģe

Among us there are enterprising people, who have chosen close connection with nature and Latvian traditions as the basis for their life and work.

In the hands of such enterprising and creative people, traditions can become the basis for successful business.
Roll-up stand (LV)
Newsletters The newsletter provides up-to-date information on the activities of the LIFE Ecosystem Services project, as well as information on the innovations in the ecosystem services topic in Latvia and worldwide.

Newsletter No 8 (LV)

Newsletter No 7 (LV)

Newsletter No 6 (LV)

Newsletter No 5 (LV)

Newsletter No 4 (LV)

Newsletter No 3 (LV)

Newsletter No 2 (LV)

Newsletter No 1 (LV)
Information board „Ecosystem services in Jaunķemeri” The board informs about the diversity of ecosystem services in Jaunķemeri and the activities of the LIFE ecosystem services project. LV/EN
Information board in pilot area Saulkrasti The information board provides the visitor with information about the types of ecosystem services in general and along the coast of Saulkrasti, schematically shows the thematic and functional development of the Saulkrasti coastline from Inčupe to Pēterupe and provides a timeline overview of the Project activities in the pilot area Saulkrasti. LV/EN

Short film "Ecosystem services"

(7:23 min.)

A short film in attractive way explains the connection between man and the nature and gives an easy insight into the ecosystems and their services.

The film shows benefits and advantages which we gain from nature and which helps to ensure living conditions on earth for human beings and other living organisms, but which often remain undetected in everyday life​​. Ecosystem services include food and drinking water supply, flood control function, as well as tourism and recreational possibilities in nature etc.


Latvian with subtitles in English

  Short film "Ecosystem Services evaluation"​
(5:17 min.)
Film helps to understand what ecosystem services approach is and how it can be useful in spatial planning processes.


Latvian with subtitles in English

Short film “Ecosystem services assessment – a tool for spatial planning

(7:44 min)

Short film includes step by step illustration of ecosystem services assessment process. The target audience of this film are spatial planning specialists interested in new methodological approach implementation in spatial planning process.


Latvian with subtitles in English

TV storyline on Nature Capital
The story explains what the concept of "natural capital" means, what role does environmental conservation matters play in Europe and in Latvia, and what are the project's efforts in assessing natural capital.


Short film "Ecosystem services"

  Short film "Ecosystem Services evaluation"​

Short film "Ecosystem Services evaluation"​

Īsfilma "Ekosistēmu pakalpojumu novērtēšana" ar angļu valodas subtitriem

Short film “Ecosystem services assessment – a tool for spatial planning” 


Īsfilma "Ekosistēmu pakalpojumu novērtēšana – palīgs pašvaldību plānošanā” ar angļu valodas subtitriem    


Event calendar

     February 2025     
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