27.08.15 0 Project 2nd seminar ended

In the 25th of August in Saulkrasti town project 2nd seminar "Ecosystem Services: Importance and Measurement" took place.

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19.08.15 0 Educational activities about ecosystem services

In the framework of project "LIFE EcosystemServices" this year during the summer season a number of educational activities about ecosystem services took place in Saulkrasti and Jaunķemeri pilot areas.

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03.08.15 0 Project 2nd seminar will be organized

In 25th of August in Saulkrasti 2nd project "LIFE EcosystemServices" seminar will be organized.

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31.07.15 0 Short films about ecosystem services will be made

Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, the association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti Municipality in the framework of the project "LIFE EcosystemServices" will shoot three short films about ecosystem services.

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30.07.15 0 Nature education activities

During the year 2015 project "LIFE EcosystemServices" team has participated in several outdoor events, which were organised near the project pilot areas.

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20.07.15 0 Experience exchange in the University of Leeds

From 29th of June till 4th of July project representatives from association "Baltic coasts" went to an experience exchange to the University of Leeds.

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06.05.15 0 Common work event in Saulkrasti dunes

On April 25th a common work event in Saulkrasti dunes was organised. The aim of the common work event was to strenghten coastal dunes.

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17.04.15 0 Students involved in research about coastal ecosystem services

In the framework of project a cooperation with BA School of Business and Finance and University of Latvia students has been realized.

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12.04.15 0 A short film about ecosystem services has been made

A short film about ecosystem services has been made in the framework of the project "Assessment of ecosystems and their services for nature biodiversity conservation and management" ("LIFE EcosystemServices").

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23.03.15 0 Project representatives in experience exchange visit

From the 10th to 11th of March project "LIFE EcosystemServices” representatives went to an experience exchange visit to Germany. Purpose of the exchange was to gain new knowledge about ecosystem services assessment methods and opportunities.

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06.03.15 0 Ecosystem services evaluation methodology development planning is launched

On the March 5th in the association "Baltic coasts" office in Riga a meeting were held in order to discuss ecosystem services valuation methodology development for the project "LIFE EcosystemServices".

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02.03.15 0 An introductory seminar completed

On February 26 in Ķemeri an introductory seminar of the project "LIFE EcosystemServices” was successfully completed.

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15.02.15 0 First project leaflet has been made

In the framework of the project "LIFE Ecosystem services" first leaflet "Evaluation of Ecosystem Services in Latvia" has been made.

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15.01.15 0 Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia has launched the project about ecosystem services

Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia together with association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti municipality has launched the EU LIFE + Environmental Policy and Governance program project "LIFE EcosystemServices".

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