08.10.18 0 Information board in pilot area Jaunķemeri

The content of this information board differs significantly from the others found in protected nature areas as it turns attention to seemingly ordinary natural processes often taken for granted but absolutely essential to safeguard human wellbeing. The information includes descriptions in Latvian and English on provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural ecosystem services characteristic for coastal environment, providing an insight into monetary value of the surrounding nature values (economic assessment of ecosystem services).

More information on ecosystems and the economic assessment of the services those provide in Saulkrasti and Jaunķemeri pilot areas can be found HERE.

Information board „Ecosystem services in Jaunķemeri”

Event calendar

     December 2024     
Lai šī tīmekļvietne darbotos, tā izmanto obligāti nepieciešamās sīkdatnes. Ar Jūsu piekrišanu papildus šajā vietnē var tikt izmantotas statistikas un sociālo mediju sīkdatnes.