16.03.17 0 Discussions about recommendation creation

One of the project "LIFE EcosystemServices" main aims is to develop on ecosystem services methodology based recommendations for coastal municipalities and other inistitutions as well as to create a tool which facilitates recommendation incorporation into spatial planning processes.

In the recommendation development process many key institutions are involved. An expert group is created and consists of representatives from institutions involved in spatial planning activities. Expert group consists of representatives from Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, association "Baltic Coasts", Saulkrasti municipality, spatial planning company "METRUM", University of Latvia, Latvian Association of the Local Coastal Governments, Riga Planning Region Spatial Planning department, Ministry of Agriculture Rural development department and Ministry of Evironmental Protection and Regional Development Nature protection department and Spatial planning department.

In order to create useful and aplicable recommendations and ecosystem services evaluation tool, expert group meetings are held. During meetings expert opinions, suggestions and critics are taken into account and the reccomendation development process are presented as well as discussions about best solutions are held.

So fare two expert group meetings had been held. Presenations of the meetings can be found here.

Event calendar

     March 2025     
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