04.10.16 0 A new short film has been made

A new short film (5 min.) about ecosystem services evaluation has been made. Film is available in latvian language with english subtitles.

Film helps to understand what is ecosystem services approach and how it can be useful in spatial planning processes.

Short film in Latvian language
Short film with English language subtitles

The aim of the short film is to reach target audiences of different age grups and to show the significant role of ecosystems in our life as well as to show the possibilities of ecosystem services evaluation.

Film is made by the experienced environmental film company "ELM MEDIA". Company so far has made many films about nature themes in Latvia, such as Peatland Secrets (2013), Five stories about nature (2009), Kurzeme coast stories (2006), Green City (2003), Latvian nature (2013) etc.

In the framework of the project "LIFE EcosystemServices" it is planned to make 3 short films about ecosystem services. The last film will be shot at the end of 2017. Film will explain the necessity of ecosystem services assessment usage in sustainable territory development planning.        

Short film is made in the framework of project LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 "LIFE EcoystemServices" which is implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti Municipality. Project is co-financed by the European Union and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

Event calendar

     March 2025     
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