31.08.16 0 Mapping of ecosystem services in Saulkrasti and Jaunķemeri completed

In Saulkrasti and Jaunķemeri pilot areas ecosystem services (ES) mapping and evaluation has been done. Mapping has been done from the November 2015 till may 2016.

All ecosystem services mapping and evaluation materials can be found HERE.

Mapping and evaluation of ES is done by the association "Baltic Environmental Forum" (BEF).

Materials will help into spatial planning process related to the Saulkrasti and Jaunķemeri pilot areas as well to make prognosis about different scenarios in areas.

Ecosystem services mapping is completed in the framework of project LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 "LIFE EcoystemServices" which is implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti Municipality. Project is co-financed by the European Union and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

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