04.04.16 0 Brochure about ecosystem services made

In the framework of the project "LIFE EcosystemServices" a new brochure has been made. Brochure "Ecosystem Services Approach for Sustainable Managment" gives brief insight into ecosystem services approach and possibilities of use.


In brochure everyone can find easily understandable descriptions and examples about ecosystem services. Brochure is one of the first printed information sources in Latvian language about ecosystem services theme. Through many schemes and easy understandable language it's possible to understand the basics of ecosysem services approach. 

Brochure consists of brief explanation - what is ecosystem and ecosystem services, gives an insight of ecosystem services division into categories and ecosystem services biophysical, economical and social evaluation methods. In the brochure is also described why nowadays ecosystem services topic is essential and why scientists strive to determine the value of ecosystem services.

Brochure was made by the project representatives of Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia. The main information sources used were:
Biodiversity Information System for Europe
Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services
European Environment Agency
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
The Millenium Ecosystem Assessment

Brochure is made in the framework of project LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 "LIFE EcoystemServices" which is implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti Municipality. Project is co-financed by the European Union and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

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