30.07.15 0 Nature education activities

During the year 2015 project "LIFE EcosystemServices" team has participated in several outdoor events, which were organised near the project pilot areas. Project representatives offered different kind of educational activities about ecosystem services in those events.

Ķemeri National Park (ĶNP) Travel day on 9th of May
During the ĶNP Travel day project representatives near the project pilot area Jaunķemeri organised educational activities about ecosystem services. Every participant could participate in educational ecosystem services game and ask questions about ecosystems and their meaning. An interesting exhibition about the bog and it's given services to people also was available.

Bat night in Ķemeri National Park on 4th of July
During the Bat night project representatives educated smallest local inhabitants about ecosystem significance. Smallest children together with their parents could participate in different workshops and play ecosystem services game, thus understanding what kind of goods nature gives to people.

Saulkrasti town feast on 18th of July
During the Saulkrasti festival local inhabitants and tourists together with project representatives could play an ecosystem services game and ask questions about this subject. Some children came to the workshop many times in order to have a possibility to play the game again.

Ķemeri feast on 8th of August
On 8th of August in Ķemeri National Park Nature Education Centre "Meža māja" there will be a possibility to know more about ecosystem services and participate in many interesting outdoor workshops.

In total nature education activities in the places near to the project pilot areas are the great possibility to introduce local inhabitants with the ecosystem services theme and educate them about ecosystem protection. Such kind of activities will be organized every year during the summer.

Nature education activities are organized in the framework of project LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 "LIFE EcoystemServices" which is implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti Municipality. Project is co-financed by the European Union and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

Event calendar

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