20.07.15 0 Experience exchange in the University of Leeds

From 29th of June till 4th of July project representatives from association "Baltic coasts" went to an experience exchange to the University of Leeds. There the 11th international conference "European Society for Ecological Economics 2015: transformations" took place.

During the visit meetings were organised with Prof. Arild Vatn from Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Kate Raworth, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University, as well as other experts in environmental economics. The discussions focused on the performed and planned activities of the Project, as well as further development of the methodological framework for monetary assessment of coastal ecosystem services was carried out during these sessions. 

Conference was attended by more than 500 representatives from all over the world. During the conferene more than 400 scientifical researches were discussed in 15 sessions. Discussions were held under in two global movement blocks - Degrowtn and Buen Vivir. Mainly a themes like social movements, development-consumption-welfare, social ecology, environmental economics, recession & state economy, natural resources and their management, understanding of human behavior and new business models of ecosystem services, power and policy changes at national institutions where discussed.

Conference was devoted to main century problems of society - excessive use of resources and the resulting impact on the environment; economic and physical well-being; predominance of power and conflicts; food, water and electricity endangerment, political and economic migration wave; and the lack of international activities for climate change and global biodiversity loss threats.

Buen Vivir movement defines idea, that nature instelf has rights and a human can't use it as his property in economics. Social community should exist only if the nature is a value. Degrowth movement is political and economical movement, which is based on the ecological economics and anti-consumtion ideas.

Among the scientists and activists discussions were organized about different issues. During the plenary sessions theoreticans and practicans could exchange opinions.

To summarize - conference was a great possibility to gain very useful knowledge which will be used during the project implementation. Also very useful new contacts during the conference was made. A valuable information about social processes, local and reginal consumtion, economical models and political crisis was gained especially for researchers and economists such as Giorgos Kallis, Dan O’Neill, Arild Vatn, Andrew Brown and professors form Oxford and Sussex University.

More information about the conference

Experience exchange is organized in the framework of project LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 "LIFE EcoystemServices" which is implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti Municipality. Project is co-financed by the European Union and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

Event calendar

     March 2025     
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