15.01.15 0 Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia has launched the project about ecosystem services

Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia together with association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti municipality has launched the EU LIFE + Environmental Policy and Governance program project "Assessment of ecosystems and their services for nature biodiversity conservation and management” ("LIFE EcosystemServices"). Project aims are to provide incorporation of ecosystem service assessment approach into the strategic planning documents of local municipalities of Latvia. The project will mainly focus on Latvian coastal areas.

The rapid development of environmental protection and management as well as spatial planning policies in the European Union has increased the need for conception of ecosystem services and their economic evaluation. Although in many European Union countries this is a common practice and has been successfully implemented, in Latvia ecosystem service evaluation approach is not yet reputed and applied.

Therefore the aim of the project "LIFE EcosystemServices" project will be to create ecosystem services evaluation methodology for Latvia. The methodology and approach applied within the project will be developed according to the best EU practice, basing on the researches and experience of the acknowledged international institutions. The methodology will be adopted and approbated for the conditions of Latvia, and particularly for the regions in the close vicinity of Riga, the capital of Latvia.

The developed assessment system will be performed into two chosen pilot implementation areas - Saulkrasti and Jaunķemeri. Those areas where chosen as they are rich in natural values of national and EU importance. They are also essential from socio-economic aspects having cultural, recreational and aesthetic value.

The results of the project on the basis of the obtained ecosystem assessment data will be integrated into Saulkrasti municipal spatial development plan, as well as the nature park "Piejūra" and Ķemeri National Park conservation plans. The project will also develop general recommendations that will help to integrate ecosystem services assessment approach into decision-making and spatial planning processes of other Latvian municipalities.

An important role in the project will be devoted to informing the public and environmental awareness raising activities in order to explain to the target audiences the importance of ecosystem services assessment and possibilities to increase the region's overall well-being. The long term benefits of the economically, environmentally and socially responsible decision making and lifestyle will be communicated as well. Main target audiences of the project are the local inhabitants, tourists, students, representatives of ports, municipalities, governmental institutions, entrepreneurs of the coastal areas as well as international organizations, universities and NGOs.

In order to achieve project aims, many public activities, such as informative seminars, workgroups, and common work events will be organized. It is also planned to make attractive movies on the ecosystem service evaluation subject and to create a unique demonstration prototype project in the White dune area in Saulkrasti for risk prevention of further degradation of the ecosystems and promotion of the social awareness of visitors and local residents.

The project “Assessment of ecosystems and their services for nature biodiversity conservation and management” ("LIFE EcosystemServices") No LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 is being implemented in the territory of Latvia. Total funding of the Project is 753 290 EUR, of which 376 641 EUR is LIFE + program co-financing, 277 430 EUR is Latvian Environmental Protection Fund co-financing, and 99 219 EUR is co-financing of the project partners. The project implementation will last until the 31 may 2018.


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