Ecosystem services economic valuation in Saulkrasti and Jaunķemeri pilot areas
The objectives of the economic valuation of ecosystem services (ES) within the LIFE Project "Assessment of ecosystems and their services for nature biodiversity conservation and management" No LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 is as follows:
Economic Valuation of Ecosystems and their Services for Pilot Implementation Areas in Saulkrasti and Jaunķemeri (in English, summary in Latvian)
The Chapter I. ES economic valuation of Jaunķemeri Pilot Implementation Area, using primary data (in Latvian)
The Chapter II. ES economic valuation of Saulkrasti Pilot Implementation Area, using primary data (in Latvian)
The Chapter III. ES economic valuation of Jaunķemeri Pilot Implementation Area, using secondary data (in Latvian)
The Chapter IV. ES economic valuation of Saulkrasti Pilot Implementation Area, using secondary data (in Latvian)
The Chapter V. Sociological data analysis (in Latvian)
The Chapter V. Attachment nr. 1. Questionnaires (ZIP file 1,63 MB in Latvian)