Aims and tasks

The LIFE EcosystemServices project main aim is to promote on ecosystem services evaluation based sustainable decision-making in Latvian coastal policy and planning documents as well as to create public awareness regarding ecosystem services.


Project main tasks (activities)

1. To adopt the international practices and experiences in economic valuation of ecosystems and their services for different scenarios in Latvian coastal areas, by creating a clear, comprehensive assessment approach;

2. To approbate ecosystem services assesment approach in the selected pilot areas in Jaunķemeri and Saulkrasti.

3. Make recommendations for applying the ecosystem services assesment approach in municipal decision-making and spatial-planning processes in Latvian coastal areas.

4. Promote the ecosystem services assesment approach by information and communication, thus informing about long term benefits of environmentally friendly, economically and socially responsible decision making.

Event calendar

     February 2025     
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