26.01.17 0 Discussion about ecosystem services evaluation in Latvia

On 17th of January 2017 first discussion forum "Cooperation and experience exchange about ecosystem services evaluation in Latvia" took place.

Discussion was held in Riga, in European Union House and it gathered together scientists and practicioners from state and non-governmental sector. The idea of forum was to initiate discussion about ecosystem services evaluation methodology application in Latvia and share knowledge about ecosystem services evaluation in different areas of Latvia. This forum is an attempt to initiate ecosystem services approach integration into spatial planning and state development policy documents.

Discussion was organized by LIFE+ programme projects "LIFE VIVA GRASS" (Nr. LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189), "LIFE EcosystemServices" (Nr. LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839) and European Union Horizon 2020 programme project "ESMERALDA".

During the discussion forum representatives from different organisations shared their knowledge about ecosystem services biophysical mapping and evaluation as well as economic and social evaluation methodology application in Latvian and international researches.

This discussion forum is only the first step which should be done in Latvia. Next step is to acknowledge organizations and institutions, which could be interested into the use of ecosystem services approach in the spatial planning processes and make a network of stakeholders.

Main quotes:

  • It is essential to choose ecosystem services research methods and instruments very carefully.
  • In the future ecosystem services approach should be developed in a more integrated way - by including all three methods - biophysical, social and economical and giving out integrated outcomes and conclusions.
  • It is necessary to make the knowledge base in environmental economics in Latvia. Today Latvia has lack of educational programmes, where environmental economists are prepared.
  • In the future the experience exchange about ecosystem services evaluation researches should be continued and the results of all researches should be gathered together.
  • It is essentially to find the way how to desdcribe the benefits of ecosystem services to the society and its wellbeing.

PRESENTATIONS (in Latvian language; ZIP file 24,7 MB)


Event was organized with the support of European Union Horizon 2020 programme, LIFE financial instrument and Latvian environmental protection fund.

Event calendar

     April 2025     
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