09.06.17 0 EU GREEN WEEK common work event

In Saulkrasti White Dune coastal area EU GREEN WEEK common work event was organized. Event was organized for dune strengthening and its aim was to share knowledge about "green" coastal regeneration activities for environmentally sensitive coastal areas.

Saulkrasti dunes is area where huge anthropogenic load is observed. On a sunny summer days here comes around 2000-3000 vacationers per day. Dunes are heavily influenced and are unable to regenerate. Therefore, during the common work event special grass -  Leymus arenarius - was planted and willow fences were made to stimulate coastal dune regeneration.


Research shows that such "green" solutions is very effective for dune regeneration. Plants protects coast from leaching during storms and willow fences coordinates visitor flows so that the dunes can successfully regenerate.

From 29th of May till 2nd of June European Comission has launched a EU Green Week campaign. In the framework of campaign project “LIFE EcosystemServices” representatives together with the World Wildflife Foundation Latvian section organized a common work event for “green solutions” demonstration.  

Project “LIFE EcosystemServices” highly appreciate all the work done by volunteers from NGO’s  representatives of Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia and local municipalities. Participants admitted that it was an interesting and helpful experience.

This coastal management method has been applied in other areas of Latvia – in Ventspils and Engure coast surroundings, as well as in Lithuania – in the Curonian Spit and is evaluated as one of the recommended dunes restoration approaches. This year's Green Week theme is "Green jobs for a Greener Future". Campaign is organized throughout all the Europe, including Latvia.  Information about the EU Green Week activities can be found in social networks Facebook and Twitter using hashtag #EUGreenWeek and in the website

More information about Saulkrasti recommended "green" management approaches can be found in the project "LIFE EcosystemServices" website.

Common work event was organized in the framework of project LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 "Assessment of ecosystems and their services for nature biodiversity conservation and management" or "LIFE EcoystemServices" which is implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, association "Baltic Coasts" and Saulkrasti Municipality. Project is co-financed by the European Union and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund Administration.

Event calendar

     April 2025     
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