28.04.17 0 Participation in the Baltic Sea Coast Tourism Conference

From 27th to 28th of April was held in the Baltic Sea Coast Tourism Conference. The conference was attended by the coastal municipality representatives, entrepreneurs, state and local authorities, tourism professionals and enthusiasts. Also project "LIFE EcosystemServices” representatives participated and shared experience about project activities in the seacoast.

During the conference, discussions on how to reach a compromise between the different interests of citizens, businesses and tourists were held. Conference topics covered strategical coastal tourism development in Latvia and Estonia, European hiking route planning trends etc.

On the first day coastal tourism development strategic vision was discussed. Presentation about practical experience in coastal area – by planning and creating Nature Design Park in Saulkrasti was presented by the Saulkrasti municipality representative Mr. Normunds Līcis.

On the second day some coastal hiking route examples in Carnikava and Saulkrasti were observed. As one of the good examples project "LIFE EcosystemServices" Nature Design Park conception was shown.

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Event calendar

     April 2025     
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