17.08.16 0 Educational activities in the 2016

In the year 2016 project "LIFE EcosystemServices" continued successful cooperation with various educational institutions which has been started in the year 2014.

On January 2016 Riga Technical University, Latvian University of Agriculture and Art Academy of Latvia students presented their ideas for the nature design object creation in the Saulkrasti pilot area.

Cooperation was continued with Saulkrasti high school pupils and teachers, involving them into local-scale research. Pupils interviewed their parents, other pupils, Saulkrasti citizens and entrepreneurs in order to find out their level of environmental awareness and willingness to start a 'greener' way of life or to develop 'greener' business.

Likewise representatives of the project participated in the international scientific conference "Society. Integration. Education." which took place in Rēzekne Academy of Technologies. Project representatives gave a presentation about ecosystem service mapping and assessment as well as about the need of effective planning and decision-making process.

On June project representatives organized an educational event - Day of practice for University of Latvia Geography and Earth Sciences faculty Master programme students about the project and its activities as well as about the ecosystem services approach.

To summarize – project cooperated with and educated 343 representatives of educational institutions including pupils,students and teaching staff.

During the summer season of year 2016 also a number of nature education activities were held.

Project representatives participated with the educational activities in Ķemeri National Park Travel day, Saulkrasti town feast and Ķemeri Feast.

Visitors in each event had an opportunity to play an interactive game which helped to discover what benefits ecosystem provides to people.

This year all the created educational materials had been transmitted to the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia which will multiply them and transfer to the Nature Education Centers.

Next nature education activities will be held in the summer season of the year 2017.


Educational activities are organized in the framework of project LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 "LIFE EcoystemServices" which is implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti Municipality. Project is co-financed by the European Union and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

Event calendar

     April 2025     
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