07.04.16 0 Project 3rd seminar completed

On 5th of April in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia project "LIFE EcosystemServices" 3rd seminar was held.

The title of the seminar was "Ecosystem services evaluation: methods and practice". Seminar brought together spatial planning professionals and other stakeholders.

During the seminar project "LIFE EcosystemServices" goals, objectives and expected results were presented. Also ecosystem services assessment, mapping approach and used inidiactors, as well as current issues of ecosystem services assessment and ecotechonological approach were presented.

Seminar speakers were lecturers from different fields and represented such organisations as association "Baltic Environmental Forum", association "Baltic Coasts", company "Ardenis", Vidzeme University and Liepāja university.

Next seminar is planned during the autumn 2016 and it will be focused on ecosystem services approach integration into spatial planning process.


Seminar is organized in the framework of project LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 "LIFE EcoystemServices" which is implemented by the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia, association "Baltic coasts" and Saulkrasti Municipality. Project is co-financed by the European Union and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

Event calendar

     January 2025     
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